A few days after what I have badged in my mind as "The Terrible Awful" we got a call from the Multi Agency Safeguarding Hub. A long conversation ensued where the woman at the otherContinue reading
I realise I am at risk of this blog teetering into misery memoir and that is not at all my intention. I guess I kind of want to get the story over to start toContinue reading
24 January 2019. The day after I wrote THAT letter. My husband took AJ to work. Somehow, he was just about hanging onto an apprenticeship at a leisure centre about 15 miles away. His managerContinue reading
I have been wrangling with where to go next with our story....the thing is, I have a mixed up chronology, for reasons already rehearsed. In fact, I am not entirely sure that chronology necessarily matters.Continue reading
I don't remember when I first noticed marks on his arms. At first I said nothing, I just looked, and looked again, hoping that I was mistaken. But I wasn't. Mostly on his forearms, backContinue reading
Galway Bay, 2010 It would be fair to say that I find this photo really hard to look at. In fact, I put away nearly all family photos some time ago, as they reminded meContinue reading
I can't think how irritating I must have been as a child. Which, I know, opens up all the possibilities for comment on how irritating I might be as an adult. Don't do that, it'sContinue reading
a brief word or two on this, before we get very much further. In writing about me, I also write about my family too, so it's important to know that we have talked about thisContinue reading
Thankyou for dropping by. It will be a miracle to me should anyone actually want to read any of this! My first post is going to be a bit about why I have set thisContinue reading