Dolls House, Family, Mental Health, Random

welcome to my tiny world, where everything in the garden is not always rosy

welcome to my tiny world, where everything in the garden is not always rosy

Thankyou for dropping by. It will be a miracle to me should anyone actually want to read any of this! My first post is going to be a bit about why I have set this blog up, a bit about the title, and what I am planning to write about. Some of you will already know me either in person, or through my Instagram page (@vintage_dahling) and some of you will be new to my world. My about page will tell you about me!

So why am I here? Partly as this will become an on-line scrap book, much like my instagram feed, but here I’ll have more ability, frankly, to talk more (!) but also have a greater ability to respond to comments.

What am I going to talk about? So those of you that know me well know that my thoughts are random and scattered – one minute terribly serious and at times very frivolous. A new dress can sit right next to a serious mental health post can sit next to a dolls house chaise can sit next to my dog just had a haircut.

However. A main reason for setting up this blog is to talk about mental health issues and how they have affected my family. I have decided to do this because social media can give the impression that everything in the garden is rosy, when really it can be far from it. We edit the versions of ourselves that we choose for others to see, I am as guilty of this as anyone else. However sometimes if you can, I think it’s helpful and healthy to let others see your vulnerabilities. We are none of us perfect – and holding out the illusion that we might be can lead to unhelpful comparisons, particularly for those having a really difficult time.

When I have revealed some of our story on social media it has led to an outpouring of support, for which I am hugely thankful. It’s also led to an outpouring of people saying that they feel slightly less alone – and slightly more normal – and this is why I have primarily set up this site. It is lonely dealing with mental illness, whether it is you or your loved ones. Some people will withdraw from you and you withdraw yourselves. I know because I have done it, I created my own tiny world. It is safe and you make the rules. It can also be terribly isolating and you can think you are the only one dealing with what you are dealing with. It’s funny how you can be surrounded by people and feel so very alone.

Well, this is a safe space for you, and for me. Welcome to my tiny world.


  1. Well done on taking this brave step Lisa. I hope it releases what can be pent up inside. I know it will be a sigh of relief to others to know they are not alone in their darker moments.
    We all have the side of us that we hide, I’m no exception. I’m just not as brave as you yet to put it out there.
    It’s a fabulous thing you are doing and I’m right here with you
    Lynn xxx

    1. Lynn thankyou. I know how it is not to feel able to talk about it – it will come, maybe. And if it doesn’t, well – if you find another outlet, and I know you do have one, then so be it. Thankyou for your support!

  2. I am so pleased you have done this Lisa. I’m an adoptive Mum. Very few people walk the road with you when mental health is involved. I too have created a tiny world.
    I’ll just say thank you.
    I’ve been told by Camhs that I’ve changed policy in Oxfordshire for children & families going forward. The ‘battle’ still goes on.

    1. Goodness that is a tremendous thing you’ve managed to do, and I applaud you. The system can be exhausting, so managing to effect change when you’re in it is an amazing thing. Thankyou for sharing.

  3. Oh beautiful lady…your blog is going to be a lovely place to visit, to empathise, to cry over and a probably for me, like looking in the mirror.
    I look forward to to each and every post.
    Take care and be gentle on yourself x

    1. Thankyou Sarah. I hope it can be useful to people, if only to know that you aren’t in it on your own. Take care of your self too.

  4. Lovely Lisa Reading this actually brought tears to my eyes, what you’re doing is so important. Living everyday with a family in crisis is such a rollercoaster. Thankyou for bringing it into the open In such an honest, brave and refreshing way xx

    1. Hey Jill. Thankyou, my friend. I know we have taken the same journey in very many ways, good to know there is safety in numbers. One foot in front of the other, as we say!

  5. Hi I have followed you on insta for a wee while and have loved your posts. I worked in the mental health arena for many years and the addictions. I thought I had all the skills that I needed,and did for others, but not myself. I too have created a small bubble to protect myself and it’s good to know that you have found a way to poke your head out and speak the unspoken taboo that mental health is. I will look forward to your blog and maybe find that I am not so alone after all

    1. You aren’t alone at all. As you say, it is such a taboo subject, shrouded in shame and fear. It’s time to try and lift the lid on it, and that it terribly hard. Take care of yourself, whilst you are doing the amazing work that you do.

  6. Looking forward to reading your posts. I too have created a tiny world, but actually it’s felt ok as it’s allowed me to reduce the negativity from others and find space for my own wellbeing. I think we respond in the way we feel we can deal with it all. However there is no doubt services for our children are shocking, a major step change is needed.

    1. That is so true. It is never the person in front of you, I find, but the system itself. And a terrible lack of funding. I agree with you too, about the safety of a tiny world of your own creation. You can make the rules. Hope it becomes good to talk! Lisa

    1. Thankyou. I sincerely hope so! Let’s see if we can make this community a safe place to do that.

  7. My beautiful friend of many years I am extremely proud of you and your family, speaking of mental health in any way is a help to someone. So many people suffer in silence completely unaware of how many people have been affected by it in some way.. I for one am never slow in sharing my experiences and if it helps just 1 person then that’s a win! Xx

    1. You are so right. It was lovely to bump into you yesterday. After all these years, I love how we just pick up from wherever we left off. That’s true friendship!

  8. Well done for opening up like this . Sure it will help a lot of people feel less alone . Sending huge hug and all the very best always . X

    1. Thankyou Jo. I’m sorry this is a late reply, I just found this comment in the spam box, I don’t know why. Thankyou for taking the time to read and comment, I really appreciate it.

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